What Guys Talk About

You really want to know? You're probably not as prepared for the answer as you think you are.

Let's listen in on a typical guy conversation. Sure, the setting isn't quite a slice of everyday life, but the story definitely is. Here's Baseball Hall-of-Famer, and one of my childhood heroes, George Brett, just making small talk with a couple of buddies.

This....is what guys talk about.
Note: If you're not fond of colorful (i.e. FOUL) language, you may want to skip this. At the very least, put your headphones on.


Family Room said…
And I thought the F word would be used to describe the hot chicks in Vegas rather than the watery Sh*t in his shoe....thanks for clearing up what guys really talk about....who knew???
Dixon said…
And the predictable, one-dimensional frame you have put us in is now broken. We're not any deeper thinkers than you originally thought, but that shallow trench of thought does run laterally to different things. Poop/fart stories, dick jokes, cool cars, when to go for the 2-point conversion, and the like.
Family Room said…
I for one prefer to believe you speak of sexual experiences and matters of such as opposed to how many times you crap down your legs!!
Anonymous said…
Dixon, as my father in law recalls the quote of david newell..(any man who says he hasnt shXt his pants before is a gxx dxm liar.) Side note... this was after a few rounds of beers at fairview of course...
Anonymous said…
Wow. Had to jetison the whole lower half, that's a bad one.

His last comment is my favorite. "Got up in the morning, took the most perfect, double tapered "crap" I've ever had in my life. True story!"

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