Wedding Day: Scattered, Smothered & Covered

Pour yourself a cup of coffee, light up a smoke, grab a box of Kleenex, and let the waterworks flow......


Anonymous said…

If you look real close, you can see me in booth/table #3.

Best damn reception buffet I've ever had...

ToniM said…
Nice. Reminds me of the wedding party I saw congregated outside of Shakers this spring.
jessov said…
My favorite is the combo of Coke and Keystone cans dragging behind the car.
Family Room said…
grab a cup of coffee, a cig and slap on a depends!!! I saw the same thing as cujo at Shakers....must have been the night before the abandoned car seat. At least the car seat wasn't being pulled by string behind the car!!!
Dixon said…
I think there's some sort of untold story with the lone Keystone light can. An uncle who recently passed on.....Grandpa in the nursing home.....

I find myself wanting to know more about that can.
Anonymous said…
I was told, after sharing this touching story with others, that I was indeed going to hell for making fun of people. I find comfort in knowing though that most of you will be there with me. Don't waste your time, Dixon already called shotgun a LONG time ago.


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