Coming Soon to a Coastline Near You

You would think that a weather geek such as myself would've seen this coming. Nope. It was my brother who had the keen senses to pick up on this one, and he eagerly passed it on to me. I'm not sure what to make of this revelation, frankly. Should I be excited? Terrified? I don't know. All is know is that Hurricanes "Bill" and "Ida" are coming in 2009.

Let me repeat that. Hurricanes "Bill" and "Ida" are coming in 2009. Folks, this is not a drill. Buy your plywood. Fill your bath tubs. Make sure the generator runs. Get ready.

I can likely predict how this will go. Since they pick names in the order of the alphabet, "Bill" will be an early season tropical storm, likely in the far southern Gulf Coast. Characteristically, he will be a relatively normal, tired early season storm, maybe not even reaching hurricane strength. He'll be early to form, and early to fizzle out (as depicted here).

Hurricane 'Ida", on the other hand, will be a completely different story. Ida will form early, and become a persistent, ever-present force. You will know when she hass arrived, and she will definitely leave a memorable mark in her wake. She will be very windy; sustained winds will be of high magnitude. One thing is for sure, it will not be easy to forget Hurricane Ida once she is gone. Likely a Gulf Coast hurricane, Ida likes a good party, so it is only fitting that New Orleans is where she makes her landfall.

There you have it folks. Hurricanes "Bill" and "Ida", coming in 2009. Prepare yourself. Now.


Anonymous said…
And don't forget, Lisa blows through in 2010!
ToniM said…
Posts like this make it very difficult for me not to chuckle everytime I see your mother. Have you called her this week BTW? ;)
Dixon said…
I actually had to read this post to them last night over the phone. Figured it was better to hear it from me than somene else.
Michael said…
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