Breaking News: Your Kids' Names Suck. Developing....
This has been a prevailing thought of mine for a while now, and I'm positive I'm not alone here. I'm going to try to keep my composure & not go into some long-winded tirade talking about the outrageousness that has become new baby names in the past decade. One of the reasons that I will try not to is that I have many friends who have small children, and there may or may not be a few with names that are so ridiculous that I need not bother getting pissed about them.....their children's own fate has been sealed with their own outlandish name. But one needn't go any further than their hometown newspaper's weekly supplement showing new births for that given week in their City, and simply marvel at the idiacy that are newborn names. Go ahead, pick your favorites, they're all there....I'll spare the innocent and spare you mine. Now I'm not a parent yet, so if you feel as if I'm speaking out of turn on this, I'm only looking out for the innocent...
Probably wouldn't have been any fun anyway.
Can't wait until the first weekend of August 2009. You're a dead man!
Guess who?
269 days and counting!
The spin continues..... ;)
P.S.--my word verification for this was "oballs". ((giggles))
So now I guess I should be mad at Bargie for not giving me a call and saying, "Hey, I'm headed out to see Dixon this weekend, ... Wanna go?"
Thanks jerk!